Developing speaking skill for 11th students in Que Phong upper secondary by designing encouraging activities for the post- Stage in each lesson
III. Methods of the study
- Draw from experience of my teaching.
- Consult many documents ,especially methods of study.
- Study colleagues’ experience
IV. Scope of the study
In general, the students often have so much pressure of tests,
examinations that they seem to ignore that the aim of studying English is
communication. Therefore, within this study, my purpose is to carry the
research on developing speaking skill in the post- stages of all lessons in
English 11.
V. New features in the study’s result
In my innovation, there are not only language games but also some other
interesting activities such as summarizing lessons through charts, tables ;
rehearsing play; making interview; learning English through songs, movies3
which have high effectiveness and wide application. And these available
activities, which were suitably adapted for all levels of students, can help
create environment for students to develop the ability of using language
ost important to you ? why? Then, the teacher asks students to share ideas. One secretary from each group takes note the group’s ideas. Teacher moves round to give help if necessary. 4.2. Unit 1 Friendship – Part B: speaking Role-play: Teacher asks students to work in pairs to play the role of a journalist and an interview whose friend has won the first international prize in maths. Journalist: You are interviewing a person whose best friend has won the first international prize in maths. Use the questions below as help. Interview: You have a friend who has won the first international prize in maths. You are being interviewed by a journalist about him /her. Questions for interview: - What is his/her name ? - Where and when was he born ? - What is he/she like ? - What does he/she look like ? - What are his/her hobbies ? - What made him/her successful in maths ? 8 - What do you often do with your friend? - Which characters do you share in common? 4.3. Unit 1 Friendship – Part C: Listening Interviewing: Teacher has students interview their partners about their best friends. These are some guiding questions for them to make an interview: - How long have you known your best friend ? - How did you meet this friend ? - What do you remember the first time you met ? - What do you like best about him/her ? Teacher moves round to control and gives help if necessary. After the interview, it is necessary to call some students to report what they have known from their partners’ answers . Finally, teacher gives comments on what students have reported. 4.4. Unit 2 personal experience – Part A: Reading Mine the story: In this activity, teacher asks students to work in groups of three to play the parts of the narrator, the father and the daughter: the narrator tells the story, the father and the daughter mime the story. 9 Teacher goes round to give help then calls some groups to act out the story in front of the class. Finally, teacher analizes and gives comments. 4.5. Unit 3 A party – Part C: Listening Mindmaping: After finishing all tasks of the lesson, students will be asked to work in groups of three, look at the mindmap to summarize the listening lesson. e f c d b 10 Teacher goes round to give help then calls some students to make the summary in front of the class. Finally, teacher analizes and gives comments. 4.5. Unit 3 A party – Part B: speaking Describing chart: Teacher shows the chart related to the content of the lesson, asks students to think of plans being necessary for a party. Planning a party Where Home / restaurant Decorations Color balloons / flowers Who to invite When Date & time Budget How much .. Dressing Entertainment Music / games Budget How much .. food Cook / order Entertainment Music / games birthday PARTY ENTERTAINMENT () FOOD & DRINK (..) DECORATION (..) PLACE (at our class) DATE & TIME ( on March 8 th From 4pm to 6p.m) BUDGET (500, 000VND) GUESTS (friends and classmates.) DRESS ( ..) 11 Then, students have to work in pairs to make plans for the party. Teacher moves around the class to give help . When the time for preparation is over, teacher invites some pairs to present their conversation in front of the class. 4.6. Unit 4 Volunteer work – Part B: Speaking Role play: In this part, teacher gives out a situation in which an old invalid man are having problem with a bad student who is really addicted to computer game. The bad boy is run out of money now, so he wants to rob the invalid man’s money to play game. At that time, some volunteer students appear, help the man get his money and awaken the bad student to do volunteer work rather than being absorbed in useless games. Teacher asks students to work in groups of 4 or 5 to rehearse the play. One is in the old invalid man, one is in the bad students and the others are volunteer students. Teacher can help students talk about volunteer activities easily while reheasing play by giving some pictures: 4.7. Unit 4 Volunteer work – Part C: Listening Giving suggestions: In this part, teacher gives out some suggestions related to the content of the text. Ask students to work in pairs or groups to summarize the listening text. Teacher goes round to give help then calls some students to make the summary in front of the class. Finally, teacher analizes and gives comments. Summarize the story about Spring School Using the following suggestions 12 4.8. Unit 5 Illiteracy – Part C: Listening Colored topics: Teacher prepares cards with four different colors and asign each topic to each color. For example : Red Blue Green Yellow Teacher divides the class into groups of four or five. Ask each group to take one card at random. Then ask students in each group to talk about the problem presented by the card they have chosen and offer sollutions. Teacher goes round the class to give help with vocabulary. Invite some groups to report their ideas and give comments. 1. The aim of Spring School 2. The number of children who live or attend the lasses 3. The activities the children can take part in at school Provide/ It/ disadvantaged children/ classes - 30 street students/ live/study - 250 children /special difficulties /attend class - dance/ sing/ play music/They Making noise teasing Playing truant/ cutting classes Breaking school rules 13 4.9. Unit 6 Competition – Part A: Reading Table description: In this part , teacher asks students to talk about the English competition base on the table information: The annual final English Competition 1.Time last Saturday 2.Competitors The representatives of three classes 3.Aim of the competition Stimulate the spirit of learning English among the students 4.Organized by English teachers 5.Sponsored by The Students’ Parents Society 6.Competition’s rules - work in groups of three - complete 5 activities - answer the questions on the worksheets 7.The judges’ activities - observe and score the students’ performance - announce total score of each group 8. The winner’s awards a set of CDs for studying English and an Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 9. winner group B (70 points) Teacher asks students to work in pairs or groups to summarize the reading text base on the table information . Teacher goes around to give help then calls some students to make the summary in front of the class. Finally, teacher analizes and gives comments. 4.10. Unit 6 Competition – Part C: Listening Chart description: Teacher asks students to work in pairs to summarize the listening text base on the chart information. Teacher moves around the class to give help . Invite some pairs to present their conversation in front of the class. 14 4.11. Unit 6 Competition – Part B: Speaking Game show: Teacher prepares a set of general knowledge questions (about 10 questions) 1. What does water consist of ? 2. What language do all airline pilots need to speak ? 3. How many sides does a cube have ? 4. Which of these elements do you need for something to burn ? 5. How many teeth does an average adult have ? 6. What mammal lives the longest ? 7. Where is the smallest bone in the human body ? 8. What is the red planet ? 9. What sense is the most closely linked to memory ? 10. In what month the earth is nearest to the sun ? Teacher delivers handouts, asks students to listen and read out the answer of each question. Give one mark for each correct answer. The group who has more correct answers will be the winner. Finally, teacher declares the winning group. The Boston Marathon 1897 J. McDermott (the first man won the race) Every year The centre of Boston 1967 In 1984, 34 countries 42 km , 13 towns 15 Handout: a b c 1 Hydrogen & oxygen Hydrogen & calcium Hydrogen & nitrogen 2 French Spanish English 3 Four Six Eight 4 oxygen Hydrogen gasoline 5 32 34 30 6 The elephant The whale man 7 In the foot In the hand In the ear 8 Jupiter Venus Mars 9 sigh smell Hearing 10 June January December 4.12. Unit 7 World population – Part A: Reading Discussion: Teacher has students work in groups, asks them discuss about five world largest countries in population. Discuss with your partner and find out five world largest countries in population. Say where they are and which is the richest and which is the poorest country. India Indonesia Russia Europe Asia 16 Teacher goes round to give help then calls some students to make the summary in front of the class. Finally, teacher analizes and gives comments. 4.13. Unit 8 Celebration – Part A: Reading Picture description: Firstly, teacher asks students to think of what they will introduce to foreigners about Tet holiday when they have chance to talk to them. Teacher shows some images and has students work in groups to talk about Tet holiday. Teacher goes round to give help then calls some students to make the summary in front of the class. Finally, teacher analizes and gives comments. Preparation for tet: China The USA Latin America 17 Food at Tet holiday: Activities at Tet holiday: 18 4.14. Unit 8 Celebration – Part C: Listening Speak –it – up: Teacher asks students to work in groups of four. From the notes from the table, have students make a comparison between the Vietnamese New Year and the Japanese one. Teacher goes round to give help then calls some students to make the comparison in front of the class. Finally, teacher analizes and gives comments. Activities Japan Vietnam Preparations begin a few days before the New Year begin many days before the New Year Foods and clothes begin a few days before the New Year traditional foods, dress, ao dai, suits, no kimonos Activities on New Year’s Eve clean up, pine trees, watch the national singing contest on TV, clean up, peach/apricot flowers, watch TV People to celebrate with celebrated among family only celebrated with every family / relatives 19 4.15. Unit 9 Post office – Part A: Reading Speak-it-up: Teacher gives students some cues and ask them to make sentences about Thanh Ba post office. Write the cues on the board. Cue 1: advanced technology. Student: Thanh Ba post office is equiped with advanced technology. Cue 2: staff Student: Their staff is well trained, thoughtful and courteous. Cue 3: mail and parcel device Student: They provide good mail and parcel service. Cue 4: Express money transfer Student: They will sent your money in less than 24 hours. Cue 5: phone call and faxes Student: they have original telephone call service and messenger call service as well as fax transmission. Cue 6: press distribution Student: They have newspaper or magazine delivery service. Teacher asks some students to repeat after each answer. Then tell the rest of the class what they know about Thanh Ba post office using the cues on the board . Teacher should encourage students by giving them good marks 4.16. Unit 10 Nature in danger – Part A: Reading Reporting the video: In this part, teacher lets students work in two teams. Tell them that they are going to watch a video of the song “ The Earth Song” by Michael Jackson. 20 Then, teacher asks students to try to remember the events happening in the scenes of the video then talk about them when the video finishes. Teacher can give out some guiding questions such as: - Who is the singer ? - What is the song about ? - How are people, plants, animals described in the videoclip ? - What is your feeling after listening to the song ? - 4.17. Unit 11 Sources of energy – Part B: Speaking Discussion: Ask students to work in groups. Discuss the actions that you and your friends often do to use energy economically to protect our environment. Suggestions: 21 - We join “the Earth hour” annually. - We often turn off electric devices like lights, fans - When we leave rooms or unnecessary electric devices. Teacher asks students to work in groups of four. From the suggestions from, have students talk about how they are saving energy in daily life. Teacher goes round to give help then calls some students to make the summary in front of the class. Finally, teacher analizes and gives comments. 4.18. Unit 12 The Asian games – Part B: Speaking Find someone who: Teacher delivers the handouts to each student. Ask students to move around, asking the questions in the handout of Find someone who table. If someone says yes, ask some more details and write his or her name. Tell students not to write the same name for different questions. Ask some students to report their work in front of the class. Handout: Find SO who Name Details Hate sports ? What sport ? why ? Plays sport everyday ? How often ? Has ever won a sport competition ? When ? Has his/her favourite sport idol ? Who ? Has never watched sports on TV? Why ? Has never missed a football match on TV ? Favourite team ? Watches the Asian Games very often ? Which game/ like best ? Prefers Sea Games to Asian Games ? Why? 4.19. Unit 13 Hobbies – Part C: Listening Dictogloss: 22 In this activity, teacher asks students listen once more time and rearrange the following phrases in order they hear. - When he was a little boy - His hobby is reading - Learn about tiger without going in to jungle - Cope with living better - Avoid catching disease - Learn about so many things : wonders of the world , space, gigantic whales Then, base on these phrases ask a student to summerise the listening lesson by their own words. Teacher goes round to give help then calls some students to make the summary in front of the class. Finally, teacher analizes and gives comments. 4.19. Unit 14 Recreations – Part C: Listening Role play: Anna has just been back from a camping holiday on the beach and she really had a very good time there. Her friend Cindy is asking her about the trip and she is willing to tell all the good things that the camping holiday brought her. Ask students to work in pairs, one student plays the role of Anna and the other of Cindy to act out the conversation. Teacher goes round to give help then calls some students to make the summary in front of the class. Finally, teacher analizes and gives comments. 23 4.20. Unit 15 Space conquest – Part A: Reading Chart description: Teacher shows some pictures about Yuri Gagarin and asks students to complete the following sentence base on the pictures. Teacher goes round to give help then calls some students to complete the sentences in front of the class. Then, teacher gives feedback. - Yuri Gagarin/ Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin is a Soviet cosmonaut - The Vostok 1 /lift off/ 12th April, 1961/ bring Gagarin into space The Vostok 1 lifted off on 12th April, 1961 to bring Gagarin into space - The flight / last/ 108 minutes The flight lasted 108 minutes. - He/ the first person / eat and drink / weightlessness /when /he /27 years old He was the first person to eat and drink in weightlessness when he was 27 years old - He / turn back/ the earth /safe /make / him a hero He turned back the earth safely, which makes him a hero Yu ri Ga ga ri n Vostok 1 1 9 6 1 0 1 : 4 8 : 0 0 Eat & drink in space 24 - He/ die/ 1968/ a plane crash He died in 1968 in a plane crash After completing the sentences, students have to look at the following chart to summarize the content of reading text. Teacher gives comments and scores to encourage students’ effort. Talk about Gagarin base on the chart Yuri Gagarin Yuri G garin Vostok1 1961 A plane crash Eat & drink in space 1968 25 4.21. Unit 16 Space conquest – Part A: Reading Discussion: Teacher shows some pictures of the wonders of the world . Ask students to work in groups of four, discuss the following questions: - What are the names of these wonders ? - Where are they ? - What do you know about them ? - Which one do you like best ? Why ? Christ the Redeemer in Brazil Great Wall of China 01:48:00 Land safely Be national hero 26 Colosseum in Italy Taj Mahal in India Sydney Opera House in Australia Babylon on Iraq III. Experiment’s effect: Having applied the encouraging activities in post-stage to teach English 11, I can affirm that they really bring to my lectures much effectiveness. Not only do the activities add students’ interest but they help my students improve speaking skill as well. I have done the experiments with the encouraging activities in post- stage for the students of 11th grader for years. As a result, more and more students feel eager with speaking English because they have no any tention or nervous. This is the reason why students study better. The result of these investigations is counted up with the following table: Before doing experiments After doing experiments 27 School year Class Paying attention to lesson ( % Students) Practising speaking well ( % Students) Doing well tasks ( % Students) Paying attention to lesson ( % Students) Practising speaking well ( % Students) Doing well tasks ( % Students) 20182019 11A1 11A2 11A3 58% 57% 39,2% 48,8% 47,3% 25,3% 44,2% 42,5% 35,6% 86,2% 75,9% 62,6% 69,7% 68,8% 60,3% 70% 70,3% 60,8% PART C: CONCLUSION In conclusion, learning English through the encouraging activities in post-stages is one effective and interesting way that can be applied in any classrooms. The results of my research suggest these encouraging activities be used not only for more fun, but more importantly, for the useful practice and review of language lessons, thus leading toward the goal of improving learners' communicative competence. Furthermore, by applying the encouraging activities in post-stage to teach English, I want to help student speaking English better. And of course, the encouraging activities in post- stage are much more convenient and interesting than tasks in the text book. Not only can we apply the encouraging activities in post-stages to teach English 11 but we also can use them to teach English in any classrooms, even for English 10,12. Finally, I hope my research with samples lectures from Unit 1 to Unit 16 of English 11 will become useful reference materials for teachers. And I also hope to be consulted to make my study more perfectly. PART D: REFERENCES 1. Tiếng Anh 11 . Nhà xuất bản giáo dục. 2. Giới thiệu giáo án Tiếng anh 11. Nguyễn Hải Châu, Vũ Thị Lợi, Trần Lê Thúy Hằng, Đồng Thị Yến Trang. 28 3. Sách Giáo viên Tiếng anh 11. Nhà xuất bản giáo dục 4. Dạy học theo chuẩn kiến thức kĩ năng 11. Vũ Thị Lợi, Hoàng Thị Xuân Hoa, Nguyễn Thu Hà, Nguyễn Huyền Minh. 5. Lee, S. K. (1995, January-March). Creative games for the language class. 6. Lee, W. R. (1979). Language teaching games and contests. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 7. Rixon, S. (1981). How to use games in language teaching. London: Macmillan. 8. Thiagarajan, S. (1999). Teamwork and teamplay: Games and activities for building and training teams. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 9. Wright, A., Betteridge, D., & Buckby, M. (2005). Games for language learning (3rd ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press. Que Phong, March 20th, 2019 I pledge that this is my experience during my process of teaching, not copying the content of others. Author Lu Thi Hien
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