Developing 11th grade students’ oral presentation skill through project-Based learning: A case at a mountainous high school
Oral presentation is an extension of oral communication skill. It is where the
presenter shows their knowledge on a particular subject. The participant might choose the
title or the teachers give it to them. In order to talk about it to their classmate after this the
participant makes a small research to get more information about this topic. The presenter
is giving the most important information first, leaving the details for last. According to
Baker (2000, p. 115) oral presentation is like a formal conversation, speaking to group as
a natural activity. Most of people spending hours of their daytime, speaking to others,
however making an oral presentation that is a formal conversation, it is difficult task for
them. Oral presentation is part of spoken language. The purpose of this practice is to
communicate. It is design to inform or persuade. Oral presentation occurs in
organizational setting and with limitation in time. The audience is likely to be more
specialized than those attending a typical speech event.” There are different between
normal speech and oral presentation. The later is a type of speech, but the former is more
nature than oral presentation
n skills as most of them reached levels 3 and four at content skills. Students present Number of sts 49 information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. Presentation has fewer grammatical errors. As for nonverbal skills, students showed great development in using eye contact, body language and poise; many students reached level 3 and 4. They achieved this because of practice and training. They liked and enjoyed learning them very much. They felt more confident. They said that they are more able to covey their message. As for verbal skills, students improved their levels at showing enthusiasm for the subject they speak about. Students did not achieve the same average of development with elocution. The whole group did not show the same average of development. Twelve students did not change their levels. Six students were still at level 3 and 6 students were at level 2 without evident development. A student improved from level 1 to level 3. Three students improved from level 2 to level 3. Four students improved from level 3 to level 4. On the contrary, the presentation group showed quite change. A student improved from level 1 to level 3. Two students improved from level 2 to level 3. Four students improved from level 3 to level 4, but four students were still at level 3 without change. They experienced the necessity to integrate the English four skills. They now seek for the way to improve their language as one unit not only reading and writing. Based on the results and discussion, the following actions are suggested • Oral presentation should be considered in the final evaluation. Students can be tested by three or four teachers according to a rubric. Authentic or performance assessment is highly recommended for assessing deep and real learning. • Teachers should prepare their students for the exam by doing presentation projects throughout the school year. • Teachers should be trained to use PBL • Although there are specified periods for both listening and speaking, they are neglected. These periods should be taught in the light of the oral communication skills rubric the student will be tested according it later. • Both teachers and students should use modern technology (computer, smart board, tablets and mobile phones) to listen to native English speakers and to improve oral communication skills especially pronunciation skills. • Course books editors should afford some of the period's time for teachers to prepare some exercises related to his/her students' levels. By this, a teacher can correct their errors and improve their weakness. 50 Chapter 5 CONCLUSION 5.1. Summary of major findings The investigation carried out thought this study has attempted to confirm the hypothesis: if students do so much presentations in oral expression through Project based Learning within classroom then, their oral presentation skill will improve. Our research mainly examined the 11th grade students’ attitudes towards The PBL and the use of the PBL to develop students’ oral presentations. In the theoretical study, we had looked two different variables: oral presentations, and the PBL, we highlighted first the importance of students’ oral presentations in teaching English. In addition, we focused on the PBL as essential for mastering any language. To examine those theoretical beliefs, we have conducted three types of data gathering tools, questionnaires has been administrated to the 11th grade students at Do Luong 3 upper secondary school, students’ oral performance and classroom observation. Based on the data obtained from questionnaire, observation, we resulted the following: students and teachers were actually have a highly positive attitudes in their beliefs about benefits and usefulness of doing oral presentations. In particular, they did agree that doing oral presentations through the PBL helps to learn English better and practice speaking skill. Although, many students believed that making oral presentations was easy to them, some others found it difficult. In addition, we notice that the majority of the 11th grade students have many problems that prevented them to give an oral presentation and improved their proficiency level. First, students need to build a self-confidence and self- esteem in their abilities, they need to improve their pronunciation by learn how to pronounce the phonetic symbols correctly. In addition, fear of making mistakes and fear of public speaking are observable. Secondly, students did not know how to prepare an effective oral presentation, what steps are included in presenting topics, and how to use visual aids. Thirdly, students need to improve the use of body language including facial expressions, gestures, and eye contact. Finally, yet importantly teachers need to give more feedback to some aspects of students’ oral presentations such as: grammatical mistakes, pronunciation mistakes and how to organize the content of presentation. Moreover, the observation checklists show that students did not be willing to ask 51 questions after presentations; they have just listened and avoiding asked questions or given comments. Research results show that doing an oral presentation through the PBL is an effective activity and students have positive attitudes towards using it as a learning activity. Therefore, based on the findings teachers’ and students’ responses, we hope that the suggestions and recommendations proposed in this work will be helpful and useful for raising teachers’ awareness about the importance of students’ oral presentation through the PBL as a speaking activity with their EFL classes - Students should make a clear outline of their presentation before delivering it. They should practice a lot at home before coming to class. - Students make a lot of grammatical mistakes and pronunciation ones; we suggest that teacher can give his/ her students activities to help them improve their linguistic skill. - Students should check words’ phonetic spelling before deliver their presentation. - Teacher should try to deal with students’ fear of making mistakes by encourage them to speak. This will lead them build a self-confidence in their speaking. In addition, when students have confidence in their abilities, they will not be afraid to speak in public. - Students’ actually do not know how to use body language (eyes contact, gestures, and facial expression) which is necessary for an effective talk. Therefore, the teacher can help his/ her students to improving these aspects of performance by giving them more practice. - It is important for teacher to teach his/ her students how to be a good audience member, how to respond to the speaker by encourage them to ask questions and give comments. - Assessment of oral presentation can be present a challenges in students’ production. - Teacher should leave space for questions and comments. - Teacher can encourage his/ her students to practice and motivate them to speak in order to avoid their fear of making mistakes. - Teacher can try to establish a supportive environment for his/ her students. To conclude, oral presentations through the PBL are very useful for students’ English learning; this approach can apply to the students of all levels to help them improve their presentation skills. Students’ oral presentation if well prepared, organized, 52 and delivered will give students’ confidence to speak in public and will be beneficial to them in their future work. 5.2. Limitations of the study Although the research has offered some helpful findings, it has also shown some unavoidable mistakes due to the researcher’s limitation of experience and knowledge. Firstly, the study aims to investigate the students’ attitudes toward PBL and the effectiveness of using PBL in teaching and learning oral presentation skill for 11th graders at Do Luong 3 high school, but the participants of the survey were limited. So the results may not reflect fully the whole situation of learning and teaching oral presentation skill. Secondly, the questionnaires may not cover all used by teachers, which leads to less reliable results. Then, the results of research only collected and analyzed from questionnaires, class observation and it is absent of discussion which might be incomplete. Finally, this study only focuses on the teaching of English oral presentation skill to the students at Do luong 3 high school, the author does not have more chance to deal with other three skills in language teaching: Listening, Reading and Writing. In spite of the unavoidable limitation, the author believes that this study will be beneficial to the teaching of English oral presentation skill to the students of the 11th grade in particular and all students at Do luong 3 high school in general. 5.3. Suggestions for further studies This study only focuses on problems encountered in teaching of English oral presentation skill to the students of the 11th grade at Do luong 3 high School and suggests some communicative activities in order to motivate students to speak English. The study only mentions a small theme related to the teaching and learning of oral presentation skill. There are some suggestions for further researches at Do luong 3 high school in particular as well as at other high schools in general: Firstly, there should be more researches into designing communicative activities that help both teachers and students have more advantages in applying and practising them more effectively. Secondly, oral presentation is a technique of speaking. Both speaking and listening are crucial skills that the learners need to marster well to take part in communication. 53 There should be a study on problems encountered and solutions in teaching listening skill at upper secondary school. 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A. agree B. partly agree C. disagree 2- Do you feel that you are able to use PBL strategy to make oral presentation inside classroom ? A. agree B. partly agree C. disagree 3- Do you feel motivated after using PBL inside your classroom ? A. agree B. partly agree C. disagree 4- Did using PBL strategy help you to collect information in new and different ways rather than usual and traditional ones ? A. agree B. partly agree C. disagree 5- Did using PBL strategy help you to use information in new and different ways rather than usual and traditional ones ? A. agree B. partly agree C. disagree 6- Do you feel that using PBL helps you overcome the fear of making mistakes ? A. agree B. partly agree C. disagree 7- Do you want to include your project in your monthly evaluation ? A. agree B. partly agree C. disagree 8- Do you want to use PBL strategy to learn other subjects ? A. agree B. partly agree C. disagree 4 Appendix B: Oral Presentation Rubric Oral Presentation Rubric LEVEL 4 3 2 1 NONVERBAL SKILLS EYE CONTACT Holds attention of entire audience with the use of direct eye contact, seldom looking at notes. Consistent use of direct eye contact with audience, but still returns to notes. Displayed minimal eye contact with audience, while reading mostly from the notes. No eye contact with audience, as entire report is read from notes. BODY LANGUAGE Movements seem fluid and help the audience visualize Made movements or gestures that enhances articulation. Very little movement or descriptive gestures. No movement or descriptive gestures. POISE Student displays relaxed, self- confident nature about self, with no mistakes Makes minor mistakes, but quickly recovers from them; displays little or no tension. Displays mild tension; has trouble recovering from mistakes. Tension and nervousness is obvious; has trouble recovering from mistakes. VERBAL SKILLS ENTHUSIASM Demonstrates a strong, positive feeling about topic during entire presentation Occasionally shows positive feelings about topic. Shows some negativity toward topic presented. Shows absolutely no interest in topic presented. 5 ELOCUTION Student uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members can hear presentation. Student’s voice is clear. Student pronounces most words correctly. Most audience members can hear presentation. Student’s voice is low. Student incorrectly pronounces terms. Audience members have difficulty hearing presentation. Student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, and speaks too quietly for a majority of students to hear. CONTENT SUBJECT KNOWLEDGE Student demonstrates full knowledge by answering all class questions with explanations and elaboration. Student is at ease with expected answers to all questions, without elaboration. Student is uncomfortabl e with information and is able to answer only rudimentary questions. Student does not have grasp of information; student cannot answer questions about subject ORGANIZATI ON Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow Student presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow Audience has difficulty following presentation because student jumps around. Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information Presentation has Presentation has Presentation Student’s 6 MECHANICS no misspellings or grammatical errors no more than two misspellings and/or grammatical errors has three misspellings and/or grammatical errors. presentation has four or more spelling and/or grammatical errors
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